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Wie passen Drums and Bikes zusammen? Ganz einfach – in beiden steckt jede Menge Bewegung und Leidenschaft. Wir haben uns voll und ganz der Musik und dem Radfahren verschrieben. Wir „leben“ beide Leidenschaften schon seit vielen Jahren und haben unser Wissen in der Praxis erworben. Dieses Know-how stecken wir in die Entwicklung unserer Produkte, die wir immer selbst ausprobieren und ständig verbessern.

Unsere Räder und Trommeln stellen wir nach einer einfachen Philosophie her: Das Beste ist, was passt und Sinn macht. Wir verwenden vielleicht nicht immer teuerste, neueste Materialen und Teile. Wir produzieren auch nicht streng nach Testbericht oder „Schema F“. Wir bauen vor allem auf eigene Erfahrungen. Was wir anbieten und verkaufen, haben wir selbst getestet und für gut befunden.

Entsprechend beraten wir unsere Kunden. Wir fertigen nach Maß, individuellen Wünschen und zu bezahlbaren Preisen. Und wir arbeiten ausschließlich mit „Leuten vom Fach“.

Drums and Bikes auch auf facebook

own experience/reference in cycling:

  • 3700 KM - 21 Days -  original Tour de France 2014 distance a lifer 2014 in this event :
  • Experiences in a lot of Long-Distancences-Randonneur - Brevets like P-B-P=Paris-Brest-Paris = 1260 KM in 90 hours in 2007 and 2011
  • Experience in a lot of bike touring like in this example here - Jasper to Vancover in Canada in 1991
  • A lot of experience in
  • Experience in a lot of over serveral-day stage races like the viking-tour in Norway or peakbreak-tour in Austria Transalp - from Oberammergau to lake Garda (Italy) ....
  • A little bit experience in cycling special bikes - like this unique cargo-bike built for my own business.

  • own experience/reference in

  • I´m a really bad drummer - mostly with a real good drumsound the love to drums is still there since 1975 and I made lots of experience in tuning and working with so many different shells and drumheads.
  • -company  and I was allowed to work as a backliner and drums with Dave Weckl (Mike Stern and friends) in 2011 - Traumzeitfestival - Little bit experience in working with one of the top drummer in the world.
  • -company  and I was allowed to work as a backliner and drums with Dave Weckl (Mike Stern and friends) in 2011 - Traumzeitfestival - Little bit experience in working with one of the top drummer in the world.
  • I´m very proud that another (not our company) booked my to work as a backliner and drumtech with this great musicians Manu Katche Third Round and it was a nice and great experience to be allowed to work with Manu Katche (a drum-idol of my youth) in 2010 - Viersen-Jazzfestival One more experience in working with one of the top drummers in the world.
  • I´m very proud that another (not our company) booked my to work as a backliner and drumtech with this great musicians Manu Katche Third Round and it was a nice and great experience to be allowed to work with Manu Katche (a drum-idol of my youth) in 2010 - Viersen-Jazzfestival One more experience in working with one of the top drummers in the world.
  • A very nice experience I learned a few new drum-tuning tricks of Steve Smith and it was an honor to work as a drumtech for Steve Smith (Traumzeitfestival 2013 in Duisburg) (the picture shows my friend Swen) I built the drumkit up a day before the show to be sure - that everything works -Sonor (the endorsing-company) has delivered it. One more experience in working with one of the top drummers in world again.